Are you struggling getting to the bottom beliefs?
Are you replacing beliefs only to have them come back?
Would you like to grow your confidence in the belief work process?
Would you like to create lasting change in your life and the lives of others?
Basic and Advanced introduced you to belief work. You may have already begun experiencing exciting shifts in your life as a result of replacing negative beliefs. This is just the tip of the iceberg! If you are ready for deeper clearing and bigger breakthroughs then it’s time for the next level by “Digging Deeper” and growing your skill and confidence in the belief work process.
In ThetaHealing “belief work” is the most detailed process in the technique. It’s ok if digging and clearing limiting beliefs has been a bit tricky up until now. This is totally normal! It’s because there were many blocks you first had to address in the Basic and Advanced course. You are now clearer and ready to take this next step. Belief work can be fun and powerful with the right guidance, consistent practice, and using the right styles of belief work. This is why we have an entire course dedicated to learning and practicing this process. Dig Deeper gives you confidence in working with others and doing digging work on yourself. Watch your life transform as you embrace the process of belief work!
The Dig Deeper class was created to give practitioners concrete techniques and tips to resolve core issues easily and quickly. Clearing bottom beliefs is key to creating long-lasting change.
In the Dig Deeper course you will:
This course is a prerequisite for all upper-level ThetaHealing practitioner and instructor courses.
Date: January 31st and February 1st
Time: 10 am - 5 pm ET
Tuition: $600
(If you are retaking this course you get $100 off your tuition)
What you get out of learning the 10 styles of belief work in the Dig Deeper course:
You’ll Clear Fear.
Is fear keeping you from creating your most fulfilled life? Fear is designed to keep you safe and in your comfort zone but if you are looking to change your life and step into more success than it’s time to clear fear.
You’ll Clear Resentment/Regret/Rejection.
Do you feel anchored to the past? Is your energy and time consumed by old hurt? Not only will you be able to move forward by clearing these stagnant energies, but you will get better results with healing, have bigger manifestations, and develop your intuition.
You’ll Clear Beliefs That Relate To Illness.
Do you want to get better healing results? Using this style of belief work you will resolve life situations and beliefs that initiated an illness.
You’ll Clear Attachments to Illness.
Once you have cleared the beliefs that initiated an illness next learn how to clear attachments that keep an illness from healing.
You’ll Clear Manifesting Blocks.
Want to quickly discover what is blocking your manifestations? Then you got to learn this style of belief work. You will easily identify and clear blocks to what you desire to create in your life.
You’ll Clear Genetic Beliefs.
Are you living out your ancestor’s patterns? Does working on genetic beliefs and memory feel like a challenge? Learn how to access genetic memory and properly resolve these old survival programs.
You’ll Clear Historic Beliefs.
Do you know how to access memories and programs from your past lives? Do you feel like you are carrying karma from other times and places? Learn how you can discover your own history beliefs and resolve them to bring you more joy.
You’ll Clear Blocks to The Impossible.
Do you feel like some things are just impossible for you? This style of belief work will allow you to open your mind to all possibilities and miracles.
You’ll Complete Life Lessons.
Everything in your life is teaching you lessons. Learn how to identify and complete lessons you have already mastered, what you are still learning and what you need to learn to fully move forward in your life.
You’ll clear hidden beliefs from your body
Every cell of your body carries beliefs, emotions, and memories. Yet we don’t always have full comprehension of this. In this class we will explore how to discover suppressed memories from your body and heal them using a somatic style of belief work. This is a very powerful process for addressing unresolved emotions and past trauma.
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